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relief pitcher造句

"relief pitcher"是什么意思  
  • Middle relief pitcher
  • Abreu greeted relief pitcher brian stokes with a line drive off the glove of wigginton that made the score 5 - 3
    阿伯接著对后援投手布莱恩击出穿越泰威金顿手套的安打,将比数追成5比3 。
  • This officially sanctioned mlb award will recognize the most outstanding relief pitcher of the year for the regular season
  • Relief pitcher mike myers , one of wang ' s closest friends on the team , said : " he has a pitch that really nobody else in the big leagues has .
    小王在队上最好的朋友之一后援投手麦尔斯也说”他能投出大联盟里没有其他人投的出来的球。 ”
  • " i enjoyed a fulfilling 15 - year major - league career , and each season brought experiences and friends that i will cherish forever , " the 40 - year - old relief pitcher said in a statement released by the yankees
  • It's difficult to see relief pitcher in a sentence. 用relief pitcher造句挺难的
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